Nvidia’s RTX 4060 Ti allegedly bests their RTX 3080 in 3DMARK

Performance data for Nvidia’s RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 has been released online through the leaker @QbitLeaks, who has alleged that these graphics cards are capable of delivering 3DMARK Time Spy Extreme scores of approximately 8,600 and 6,000 respectively. For content, that RTX 4060 Ti number is better than what an RTX 3080 can deliver. 

Nvidia’s RTX 4060 Ti is also alleged to consumer 270-280 watts of power, which is higher than Nvidia’s RTX 3060 Ti, which consumes around 200W of power. the RTX 4060 is also said to consume around 230W or 240W of power, which is a 60-70W increase over Nvidia’s RTX 3060. 

If this leak is legitimate, Nvidia’s giving their RTX 40 series graphics cards a huge power consumption boost at seemingly all levels. beyond that, both graphics cards were said to offer users average clock speeds of over 2,600MHz.   

Nvidia’s RTX 4060 series graphics cards are not expected to launch anytime soon. Nvidia’s RTX 40 series will likely see Nvidia release their highest-end graphics card models first and trickle down to lower tiers of the GPU market as time progresses. This means that Nvidia’s RTX 4060 and RTX 4060 Ti are expected to launch in 2023. 

@QBitleaks has stated that his performance data comes from RTX 4060 and RTX 4060 Ti test boards. Nvidia reportedly has several configurations of these boards and has not finalised the specifications of either graphics card. That said, if this leaks is legitimate, these two test motherboards should give us an indication of the performance targets that both their RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 have.

If Nvidia’s RTX 4060 Ti is aiming for their RTX 3080, how high are Nvidia aiming with their RTX 4080 or RTX 4090? Will the RTX 4070 deliver RTX 3090 numbers?


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