Intel launched its 11th-generation Rocket Lake processor platform in March 2021, which received a moderate level of popularity among consumers. Despite this, the aging 14nm node design was still used, leading to the addition of another “+” to the chipset name.
With the upcoming release of the 12th-gen Alder Lake processor platform in late 2021, featuring the new LGA1700 socket, Rocket Lake is seen as more of a farewell to the LGA1200 socket. As a result, it was not expected that Intel would continue to use Rocket Lake for much longer.
According to a report by TechPowerUp, Intel has now confirmed that Rocket Lake has been discontinued.
Intel Declares End-of-Life for Rocket Lake Processor Platform
The discontinuation of Intel’s Rocket Lake processor platform means that the company has officially ended production and the retail supply will dwindle in the coming months. This move makes sense for Intel as Rocket Lake was based on an older and separate socket platform from both Alder Lake and Raptor Lake, and continuing production was likely not cost-effective. Additionally, Rocket Lake offered limited improvements over the previous 10th-gen Comet Lake series and did not generate significant interest among consumers with the anticipation of Alder Lake’s release. In essence, this marks the end of the Rocket Lake era.